The server currently comes with a mailing list where broken packages are announced (kde-winbuild) and I hope I can provide a web page soon similar to this one. I hope this will make it easier to see build errors early and will make the life easier here on windows.
One other thing I fell upon is nepomuk and its companions soprano and strigi. Since I was asked about it and I couldn't answer (because I never came accross it!) I decided to take a look at it. The problem I found is that under windows, the indexing part (strigi) is nearly completely disabled - this also makes clear why no errors occur. Which in turn makes also clear that soprano and nepomuk might work, but since there is no index at all, the two do not really seem to make any sense.
So what can we do?
- we could try and fix strigi. This seems like a lot of work, since a lot of the strigi code is written without Qt support - using fork, sockets and some more non-portable stuff.
- we could disable nepomuk and rely on the build-in Windows search - this minimizes the work, which can be spend on other targets (solid, plasma etc.) then.
Personally I tend to fix strigi, but what do you think?