After Konqueror
made its step to be the new browser competition on windows, another famous KDE application is on its way: Amarok. Amarok isn't ready for linux as well, and it is supposed to be included in the KDE 4.1 release. However behind the scenes there is already some work done, and even a custom phonon backend exists.
So I started to work on the mingw version but until now, there is no output (according to shakes there is output on windows
possible already, it requires the msvc build though). At this point I wanted to provide a link to a single installer package for amarok - I will have to postpone it now I think.
Okular works better now after pinotree reappeared in IRC; there was a pretty simple error - you have to run update-mime-database manually, it isn't run automatically anymore if you install with the DESTDIR option. There are some errors with pdf's still.
Right beside me, my other computer rebuilds the KDE packages for my mingw snapshot server - which got some review by Ralf some days ago.
So besides rebuilding my goal for next week will be the debug of amarok and to make some thoughts about single installers and making them available.
Another issue that is within my head for some weeks already is some kind of emerge binary package (the package could be then distributed within the installer) and probably the rest which is staying inside the svn as it already is. With a simple dependency on python and on subversion you can then install all needed dependencies for getting the newest KDE from SVN.
My second home switched its name from kde-edu to kns-ghns - fregl and
jpwhiting are working quite hard to get KNewStuff make what they want. I think this is one of the most important projects for free software: you can provide user generated contents and the step from the simple user to the open-source developer gets smaller and smaller. That should be a good thing.
It is very very late again, I want to get up early tomorrow, so this is it for now.
hopefully next week with some interesting link;-)